
WP Page Builder Gets Font Awesome 5 Support!

September 20, 2019



We’re always super excited to work on the updates of our products and this time we bring an awesome update with Font Awesome 5 integration. Let’s explore everything you can do with WP Page Builder v1.2.1 and Font Awesome 5.

Why Font Awesome 5?

If you’re hearing about Font Awesome 5 for the first time, we’ll tell why it’s an absolute delight to use. Font Awesome 5 brings 1500 beautifully created vector icons and logos offered to you in small file sizes. The icons are fully scalable with no compromise in quality whatsoever.

If you’re an icon lover then you’ll get a world of use from Font Awesome 5 in WP Page Builder.

There are a lot of advantages of using Font Awesome 5 some of which we list below:

Redesigned Icons

The icons are what really brings you to Font Awesome 5. Every icon has been redesigned for better readability and accessibility. Vertical positioning has also been made easier by removing the Font descender.

SVG along with JavaScript

The framework is SVG-based and gives you all the benefits of using SVG minus the hassle. The syntax has been simplified quite a lot and the customization tools have been built on top of it.

Auto-accessibility & Icon Font ligatures

To enable screen-readers and desktop-designers to use icons the right way, ligatures were added to all icons. The icons have been improved so that the accessibility is available to a much wider audience.

Modern CSS & SCSS framework

Font Awesome 5 brings modernized CSS framework. Customize Font Awesome’s Web Fonts with CSS method by utilizing picking partials and variables to include by using SCSS or Less.

Simple Upgrades

The backward compatibility of shim version 5 is what lets you get the latest icons fast. Moreover, you get the upgrade to SVG with JS too.

Using Font Awesome 5 Icons with WP Page Builder Opens Up a World of Creative Possibilities

There are a lot of reasons why icons have been on trendy sites in 2019. Using icons when building your site with WP Page Builder is the easiest way to make the most of Font Awesome 5.

How to use Font Awesome 5 with WP Page Builder?

  • Choose an addon from WP Page Builder addon list where you want to place the icon. Scroll down to the Icon List and select your preferred Font Awesome icon. You can search the icon too if you’ve anything on your mind.
  • Enable “Icon Animation” or keep it disabled if you don’t want it. There are 25+ animation styles that you can introduce to your icons with WP Page Builder.
  • Customize the icon animation by defining the delay and duration of the animation.

There are many ways you can maximize the utilization of your icons.

Effective Communication

When you want to communicate information to your visitors, using an icon gives a boost. That way readers have an idea about the context even before reading the text.

Improve Navigation

Icons, when placed cleverly, leads to better site navigation. The classic example would be the hamburger menu icon or arrow icons to guide users easily.

Brand Marketing

Display icon style in a way that represents your brand image and site design. Since there are endless styles of icons available, you can select one that represents your brand the best. Minimalist, colourful, fun or serious- you get it all with Font Awesome 5 in WP Page Builder.

Keep Designs Neat

Icons help convey information without any clutter. You can replace texts with icons and they happen to be more impactful than normal texts. Icons keep designs interesting while getting the message across.

Below you’ll find one of the many ways you can use Font Awesome 5 icons with WP Page Builder to showcase your services/products.

Icons are fun and simple ways to express site design and communicate with your users. It improves the readability of your site immensely. When it comes to icons, Font Awesome 5 is one of the best out there. So whether you’re a pro/free Font Awesome 5 user, you can include icons in your site easily with WP Page Builder. So what’s stopping you? Show us some of your awesome works with Font Awesome 5 and WP Page Builder!

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