Hey, WP Crowdfunding users! Hope you are all doing well. Today we’ve brought yet another exciting update for you. This update is all about turning your experience better with your favorite crowdfunding plugin.
In this update we’ve introduced the improved feature, better text, modify metadata, and much more. So, without further ado let’s have a look at today’s changelog.
The Rewards menu under the Raw donations Column of CF Dashboard has been eliminated. Now, whenever anyone makes any donation it will not show as a reward. Also, in the earlier versions, the donated amount was used to show as a reward. We have changed that to donation now.
We’ve made changes to the checkout button text too. The text has been changed from a pay now to Back Campaign Now. From now on, when a donor will take any attempt to donate, it will redirect them to Back Campaign Now to complete the action.
The metadata section will now show more detailed information including payment details when a user will complete payment on Stripe Payment Gateway. Besides from now on, when your campaign will reach its target achievement, you will receive an Automatic Email Notification.
So, folks, this was all about today’s article. We hope this update will make your experience excel with WP Crowdfunding and take the appeal of your donation website on WordPress to the next level. So, why is the wait for? Update your crowdfunding plugin with the latest versions now and let us know your feedback in the comment section.