
WP Crowdfunding Update: Refactored Code, New Addon Options, Shortcodes & More!

July 31, 2019



Crowdfunding and fundraisers nowadays cannot be anything short of amazing. We understand that sentiment as much as anyone at Themeum. That’s exactly why today you get an awesome update of WP Crowdfunding. This update makes sure your crowdfunding site looks amazing, performs better and faster than ever before. We have refactored codes that optimize your site. So let’s have a quick look at the changelog below.

WP Crowdfunding v2.0.0

  • New: Addon list menu with enable/disable option
  • New: [reward_details] Parameter in WP CrowdFunding New Backed Notification email
  • New: ‘wpcf_popular_campaigns’ Shortcode
  • New: ‘wpcf_donate’ Shortcode
  • Update: Social share addon
  • Fix: SMTP email settings
  • Fix: Menu hide issue in dashboard contact and bookmark page
  • Fix: Empty data design issue in bookmark and reward page
  • Fix: PHP warnings in WooCommerce cart page
  • Fix: WooCommerce deprecated functions
  • Fix: Selected reward issue in the checkout page
  • Fix: Campaign rating CSS issue in Twenty Nineteen theme
  • Fix: Single campaign shortcode issue
  • Fix: Campaign form media upload CSS issue
  • Fix: Fatal error in WooCommerce order page
  • Fix: Campaign form start date and end date CSS issue in Twenty Nineteen theme

WP Crowdfunding Pro v11.1.0

  • Update: Stripe connect addon (with disconnect option)
  • Update: Authorize.Net addon
  • Fix: Empty data design issue in payment, deposit and backed campaign page

So let’s jump right in on all the details of this new update and know everything you need to know about it!

Important Note

If you’re a WP Crowdfunding Pro user, make sure you have the free WP Crowdfunding plugin installed and activated. Previously, you could use the pro version without any dependency from the free version. However, from this update onward, you need to have the free plugin installed and activated to start using WP Crowdfunding pro.

ALL users of Backer, Patrios and Backnow theme need to update the theme as well for it to work with the latest version of WP Crowdfunding Pro.

Addon List Menu with Enable/Disable Option

Improving usability within WP Crowdfunding has been one of our top priorities from the start. In this update, we make it easy for you to enable or disable addons. 

Now when you go to your dashboard

  • Navigate to WP Crowdfunding > Addons

Here you’ll see one-click options to enable or disable all the addons.

New parameter in WP CrowdFunding New Backed Notification Email

You can now use the [reward_details] parameter in WP CrowdFunding New Backed Notification Email. That way you can include your campaign reward details in the email body. You can also use it along with other existing parameters.

  • Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails
  • Select WP CrowdFunding New Backed Notification
  • Use the Email body field to include [reward_details] parameter.

As you can see, there are a number of other parameters that you can use as well.

Two New Shortcodes

There are now two new shortcodes that you can place to improve the user experience of your crowdfunding site.

The ‘wpcf_popular_campaigns’ shortcode lets you list all your popular campaigns easily. You can decide how many of your campaigns you want to show on a page. Not only that, but you also get to determine the order of the campaigns.

For example, [wpcf_popular_campaigns number=”3″ ‘order=”ASC”] lets you list 3 popular campaign in ascending order.

Another shortcode that comes with this update is ‘wpcf_donate’ shortcode. By placing this shortcode, you can ask people to donate to a specific campaign, anywhere on your site.

For example, [wpcf_donate campaign_id=”22″] will let users see the donate option for the shortcode with the ID=22.

Fixes & Tweaks

The social share addon has been updated. The option name has been changed in the database, so be sure to update WP Crowdfunding if you’re using the social share addon. We made some changes with this addon to make sure you have a more optimized social sharing experience.

There are some other updates and fixes that have been made to resolve every issue you might have been facing.

  • The SMTP email settings issue has been resolved and users will now be able to view every detail of your mail perfectly.
  • Menu not being displayed in the dashboard/contact page has been fixed.
  • Some empty data design issues in the bookmark and reward page will now show data properly.
  • PHP warnings in WooCommerce cart page will no longer show.
  • Not showing the selected reward in the checkout page issues has been resolved.
  • Campaign rating CSS issue in Twenty Nineteen theme has been fixed.
  • Any media upload CSS issue in the campaign form is fixed to showcase designs perfectly.
  • New functions have been implemented alongside WooCommerce deprecated functions.
  • Resolved Fatal error on On-hold and Pending Payment WooCommerce order page issue.
  • Twenty Nineteen theme will now show the campaign start and end dates without any problems.
  • Stripe connect addon can now easily be disconnected using the disconnect popup. (pro)
  • Authorize.Net addon has a better data sending method making it even more reliable and optimized than before. (pro)
  • Empty data design issue in payment, deposit and backed campaign page has been fixed so that your data is displayed perfectly.

Wrapping Up

If you’re a WP Crowdfunding user, you will see a difference in performance as soon as you use this update. With the refactored codes, optimized addons, and every aspect of usability improved, you’ll have a smooth ride creating your site. The fixes include most of the issues that you guys faced in the past. But that’s not all, stay tuned for our future updates. We have even bigger changes coming to WP Crowdfunding with better technology and innovative methods.

Note: Are you ready for a more functional WP Crowdfunding with a new look? Subscribe to our newsletter below!

Excited about this update? Let us know what future updates you desire or any feedback in the comments below!

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