Hope you are having a great day. We are excited to share with you another great update to both the free & pro versions of your favorite WP Crowdfunding plugin. In this update, you will find many user-requested performance improvements, fixes, and more.
In the latest version of the WP Crowdfunding plugin, we have shortened the amount of time the plugin used to look for the latest update from the server. Now the core WordPress update function handles it, resulting in better performance for the WP Crowdfunding plugin as those resources used to check for updates are now saved.
Multiple new strings have been added to the existing POT file, making it easier than ever to translate your favorite crowdfunding plugin to your desired language. Previously, some English texts didn’t translate properly because of the POT file not being as comprehensive. It is now fixed in the latest release.
To get all the above-mentioned updates & fixes, update the WP Crowdfunding plugins to the latest versions. You should already be seeing the update notification on your WordPress dashboard.
If you have any queries regarding the update or anything in general, comment down below with your queries and we will get back to you. Keep an eye on our blog section for more future updates.