
WP Crowdfunding Updated: Customizable Campaign Submission Form, New Hooks, and Improvements

September 30, 2020



Hola WP Crowdfunding users! Your favorite WordPress plugin for fundraising is only getting better with each update. If you have been waiting for new features and improvements to empower your crowdfunding site, get ready for the big update today!

With this update, we have added multiple features like new customization options for the campaign submission form, multiple filter hooks added to campaign forms to make it easier for developers to add their own fields, fixes for multiple errors, performance improvements, and more. It’s now more convenient to create and manage a fundraising or backer site in WordPress with this powerful plugin!

Here’s the full changelog of what you can expect from WP Crowdfunding v2.0.6:

  • New: Enable/disable option for specific sections of the campaign submission form.
  • New: Multiple filter hooks added to the campaign submission form to make it easier for developers to add their own fields.
  • Update: Error message added for wrong credentials in Login Page.
  • Update: Animation added for better UX for the Add Reward button.
  • Fix: Reward tab was not working properly in the backend.
  • Fix: Campaign submission form not working when the PRO version was activated.
  • Fix: Campaign update status was not showing in the backend.
  • Fix: Campaign update details text field not working properly.
  • Fix: Pledge amount field now supports numbers-only.
  • Fix: Campaign update caused frontend issues regarding footer for some themes.
  • Fix: The campaign submission form calendar field had some CSS conflicts with some themes.
  • Fix: Some translation issues.
  • Fix: Few CSS issues.

And the changelog for WP Crowdfunding Pro v11.1.7:

  • Fix: PHP error for the Email addon.

Let’s take a look at the new customization options for the campaign submission form which allows you to enable/disable certain portions of your submission form depending on your needs.

Greater Control Over the Campaign Submission Form

With the latest WP Crowdfunding update, we are introducing an enable/disable option for each specific section of your campaign submission form. You can easily customize its look and functionality. Currently, we are providing these controls for the following fields of the campaign submission form.

  • Description: Let the project creators write a description for their campaign.
  • Short Description: Allow a short description of the campaign.
  • Category: Set the category for your campaign.
  • Tag: Set tags that are related to the campaign.
  • Feature Image: Add a banner image for the crowdfunding campaign.
  • Video: Let the campaign author add a video to the campaign.
  • Campaign End Method: Field for when and how the campaign will end.
  • Show Target Goal: Field for defining the specific financial goal of the campaign.
  • Show Target Date: Allow users to set the campaign start/end date using the time picker.
  • Show Target Goal & Date: Display or hide when the crowdfunding campaign will end after a specific date and when a certain amount is raised.
  • Whether the Campaign Never Ends: Display or hide if the campaign will have no end conditions.
  • Start Date: Show the start date-time picker.
  • End Date: Show the end date-time picker.
  • Enable Minimum Price: Enable the minimum pledge option on the campaign submission form.
  • Enable Maximum Price: Enable maximum pledge option on the campaign submission form.
  • Enable Recommended Price: Enable recommended pledge option on the campaign submission form.
  • Funding Goal: Show the campaign funding goal.
  • Predefined Pledge Amount: Show a recommendation for the campaign funding amount.
  • Contributor Table: Display or hide the list of all contributors with their backed amount on the campaign single page.
  • Contributor Anonymity: Enable or disable the field that shows the name of contributors in the campaign single page.
  • Country: Show or hide the country field for the crowdfunding campaign.
  • Location: Display or hide the location field.
  • Reward Image: Image upload for the reward.
  • Reward: Field for the specific reward amount.
  • Estimated Delivery Month: Display or hide the field for the estimated delivery month of the campaign.
  • Estimated Delivery Year: Show or hide the field for the estimated delivery year for the campaign.
  • Quantity: Set the quantity for your campaign outcome.
  • Terms and Conditions:  Check the box to agree to the crowdfunding terms and conditions.

Depending on your needs, after you have customized the campaign submission form, it will look similar to this.

Get The Latest Version of WP Crowdfunding

So you are getting a lot of new customization features and improvements for your crowdfunding platform. To utilize all these awesome options on your site, update today to the latest version.

Feel free to comment down below your thoughts and feedback and don’t forget to keep an eye on our site for future updates.

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