WordPress 4.5 “Coleman” has arrived with a number of new features and improvements. This version has been named in honor of jazz saxophonist Coleman Hawkins. You can now download or update to the latest WordPress. Of course, don’t forget to take a full website backup before updating. However, let’s have a look at some of the major improvements in WordPress 4.5.
WordPress 4.5 brings native supports for website logos. Until now, you could set a logo using the theme provided logo options. But the latest version makes it easier. Now you will find the logo upload option in the Site Identity section of WordPress’s standard Customize page if the active theme supports logo.
On the WordPress Customize page, you can enhance the site’s look and feel. In previous versions, the live preview used to refresh the whole preview page to reflect the changes like widget settings and so on. WordPress 4.5 now refreshes only the area that has been edited. It will definitely save your time.
While customizing your WordPress 4.5 site, now you can see responsive previews instantly. The Customize page has three different device icons (desktop, tablet and mobile phone) on the bottom left side. Click on any of them to see how the site looks on those screens.
It’s a huge improvement for publishers. Now you can search and link contents inline. Suppose you want to link a previous post in a specific word of another post. Just open it in editing mode and select the target word(s). Then click the hyperlink icon on the editor box toolbar. Now you will get a search box to search and select an existing post link to use as a hyperlink.
WordPress resizes uploaded images for different purposes such as thumbnails, previews etc. The latest version of the CMS has made this entire procedure more efficient to ensure a smoother and faster browsing experience.
Note: Attention Themeum’s premium theme users, please don’t update to WordPress 4.5 until we update our premium themes (the specific ones you’re using) and wait till the dependency plugins get compatible with the latest version of the CMS. If you find a compatibility issue with our free themes, please let us know.
WordPress 4.5 has many other improvements in comment moderation, shortcodes, script handling, page embedding, core programming etc. You can download the latest WordPress on this official page. And yes again, take a full website backup before updating.