Easily Customizable: With the power of Qubely’s highly customizable Gutenberg blocks customize the colors, fonts, etc. Also, save blocks to reuse later.
Fully Responsive: This Qubely starter pack is fully responsive and works perfectly on all screen sizes and mobile devices.
Influential Homepage: Present your profile, published books, upcoming events, testimonials, social media, and newsletter subscription to reach closeer to your audience and ride the position of best seller in no time.
Kickstart Your Site – A quick and efficient solution for anyone looking to build a full-fledged website. Save both time & money.
Book Details: This page will work as a promotional tool for your books. Feature book details with initial information and the CTA button will help the audience who want to make a purchase.
Interactive Experience: The starter pack is designed with just the right amount of interactive elements to create a lively website.
Contact Page: Create a one-click seamless experience for your sponsors, readers, publishers and other endorsements to reach you via this page.
We created all this sections with Qubely without writing code. That means you can customize them using our visual interface too.