
Update: WP Crowdfunding brings wallet deposit, donate button, countdown timer & more

May 25, 2018



Since the crowdfunding world gradually becoming more and more popular, we always work very hard to bring timely modifications to WP Crowdfunding to catch up with the recent trends. With that in mind, we present to you the latest update of WP Crowdfunding (v11.0) with improved performance and functionalities. We have invested a lot of time and work in research & development for which we can tell, this update will bring you the best ever crowdfunding experience. Let’s take a brief look at the new features.

Let’s have a glimpse at the core new goodies in this update.

  • Native wallet deposit feature
  • Admins can now view backer profiles from the backend
  • Donate button, can be placed anywhere
  • Countdown timer for campaigns
  • Separate category option for crowdfunding campaigns
  • Single file template overwriting
  • Author-specific campaigns sorting from a campaign page
  • More new features and lots of improvements

Native wallet deposit feature

In this version, we have introduced a native wallet deposit option to make pledges even simpler. This feature lets a backer back multiple campaigns right within the website. The wallet balance is visible on the Crowdfunding dashboard.

To top-up the native wallet balance, click on “Add Balance”. Please keep in mind, you need to have a product selected on the backend for this functionality to work. Which can be done from Dashboard > Crowdfunding > Wallet > Deposit Money (Enable Wallet Deposit and select a product). And then save changes. Have a look at the following screenshot for a better understanding.

So, if you have a product selected on the backend you should now see a checkout page after clicking on “Add Balance”. From that checkout page select “WP Crowdfunding Wallet”. This will recharge the native wallet balance.

Separate crowdfunding category

Today’s update comes with this great feature. Up until now, all types of categories were showing during the campaign creation page. But this update introduces only the dedicated categories for crowdfunding on the campaign creation page.

To enable this feature, make a category dedicated for crowdfunding, while creating the category select “Mark as Crowdfunding Category” from the category creation page.

Admin can review backer profiles

It is now easier for the site admin to review backer profiles right from the backend. On the product listing page in the backend, there is a row for campaign owners. If the admin clicks on any name, it will take him/her to the profile of that selected backer.

Quick donation with Donate button

To make donating easier. A donate button has been introduced. And the cool part is, it can be placed anywhere on the site. There is a shortcode for the donate button. Adding the shortcode anywhere to the site will display a donate button on that particular place.

Template overriding

Template overriding has always been a complicated procedure. But it is not anymore. If you want to make a change on a particular file you don’t need to copy the entire “wpneotemplate” folder and make the change on it. Now, you just need to copy the single file you want to modify and make changes afterward.

Author campaigns sorting

The visitor can view all the campaigns from a selected author by the new smart author sorting feature. From the campaign single page if anyone clicks on the author profile it will take the visitor to a separate page where s/he can see all the campaigns of that particular author.

Campaign countdown

This feature will display a countdown timer showing the campaign launching date and will prevent donation before the campaign starts.

Check out the full changelog below

  • New: Native wallet deposit feature, users can now pledge to campaigns using wallet balance
  • New: Admin can now review backer profiles from the backend
  • New: Separate category for crowdfunding campaigns
  • New: Single file template overwriting in theme (wpneotemplate)
  • New: Donate button, can be placed anywhere on any page
  • New: New shortcodes for Popular campaigns and Donate button
  • New: Smart author campaigns sorting from the campaign page
  • New: Show countdown before launching a campaign
  • New: Adding an image, video, shortcode are supported in Campaign Update lists
  • New: Shows the license expiration date of the plugin
  • Fix: Predefined donation amounts are properly placed after the comma separator
  • Fix: User can modify submitted campaigns
  • Fix: Short-codes functioning properly in campaign single page
  • Fix: Issue with HTML in the Reward sidebar
  • Fix: Profile picture update button is hidden from My Profile frontpage.
  • Fix: Image uploading bug fixed, `$user_signon = wp_signon( $info, false );` to `$user_signon = wp_signon( $info, true );`
  • Fix: the_content filter for showing reward form on the right sidebar is removed from the_content and placed to the template
  • Fix: The entire plugin is PHP 7.0 compatible.
  • Fix: Embed code functioning properly in campaign single page
  • Fix: Changed license page form field name
  • Fix: Separated days to end the campaign and days until launch the campaign
  • Fix: Some resources have been transferred from HTTP to HTTPS
  • Fix: Issue fix with anonymous payment
  • Fix: Onclick view author profile on modal at campaign single page
  • Fix: Several count function issues to support PHP 7.0
  • Fix: Reward year input and output
  • Fix: Several meta calls have been fixed
  • Fix: Randomly disappearing issue with update
  • Fix: Few translation issues in wpneotemplate
  • Fix: HTML div ending issue
  • Fix: Few grammatical fixes
  • Fix: Properly used campaign start date and end date
  • Improved: Performance and functionalities

So, all these cool new features and fixes are waiting for you and you are just one click away from enjoying them. You are supposed to get an update notification right from your WordPress dashboard. One important thing to keep in mind, whenever you feel that WP Crowdfunding needs any new feature, please do reach out to us. Thank you!

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