
5 killer WordPress plugins to maximize social shares

February 23, 2017



The contents you publish on your site barely reach your targeted people if you don’t engage social networking channels in promoting them. People spend much more time on social media in this age of networking. Your site without a social sharing system misses most chances of going viral no matter how important your contents are. Being a WordPress user, you are blessed with a lot of social share plugins that serve your social sharing purposes. 

We will discuss some of such wonderful social share plugins that help you maximize your site’s social sharing. We’ve picked these plugins based on user ratings and the number of active installs. We interviewed some users of this type of plugins to make this list so that you never get confused in choosing the right one for your site.

1. Add To Any

Add To Any is absolutely going to the top of the list because of its immense popularity and ease of uses. It helps you share your posts and pages to Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Reddit, and over 100 sharing and social media sites & apps. Add To Any has a huge number of active users. It is one of the most popular sharing plugins for WordPress. The number of the active users is increasing immensely.

Add To Any has share counters, floating share buttons, vector share and follow button, universal share button, and smart menu. It can be a right choice for any WordPress site.

2. Sumo Me

Sumo Me comes with many different social sharing features including highlighting special words, username inclusion in the tweet, and image sharing. It is 100% SEO friendly and does not affect page loading.

Sumo Me has both free and pro versions. The free one serves your purpose entirely. If you think of a plugin that has the ability to boost your social share, then Sumo Me is definitely a good one to go for.

3. AddThis

You have the opportunity to get more of your contents shared on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and many more with the help of this WordPress plugin. You can place a set of share buttons above or below the contents. Styling these buttons is very easy. AddThis also includes the share counts to encourage the visitors to share.

AddThis is extremely popular and very easy to use. It is absolutely free. You can personalize the setup per your need like controlling how many buttons to appear and whether to show the share counts.

4. Shareaholic

Shareaholic is one of the leading social sharing plugins. Like AddThis, it comes with share counts and some other wonderful features. It has a powerful dashboard and all of its features are designed to be available for any kind of websites. Shareaholic share buttons make it easy for your visitors to share your content on social media in one click.

Unlike most of its kind, it has a lot of other features. Shareaholic offers automatic google analytics integration and lets you add affiliate links. Shareaholic is 100% customizable, mobile optimized and most of all free to use.

5. WP Social Sharing

social share pluginsWP Social Sharing plugin lets you add eye-catching share buttons of different social networking sites to your website posts. It is very simple and lightweight. It is 100% responsive and customizable. WP Social Sharing plugin displays the buttons on posts, pages, media and custom post types.

It is completely free but you can donate to the developers to help them support the users. WP Social Sharing is one of the fastest growing plugins among its kind.

Social sharing is one of the most effective ways to get more traffic to your sites. It makes your website contents reachable to the most number of people which is literally the main motive of a website. The more the contents reach the visitors the better they serve the website’s’ purpose. Use any of the above social share plugins to maximize your social share. Click here to know about best quality WordPress plugins

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